I think we are all in the same boat with trying to find new home workouts and not snack our brains out. Or maybe the snacking part is just me?? I love scouring Pinterest for new recipes and have a goal to try one new one per week. For this Wellness Wednesday I have a challenge for you guys: try at least one new home workout & one new healthy meal this week! Today I’m sharing one of each, so please share what you’re doing in the comments!
A little disclaimer – obviously I am not a trainer but I love getting a glimpse of others workouts, so thought this would be fun. Also, I have yet to try this recipe but it looks soooo yummy & simple!

the set-up
I have a very limited home gym set-up and it really works for me! I like that I can neatly pack everything away to a small corner of my house and it doesn’t waste space or take center stage.
Here are the pieces that make up my tiny gym:
- mat
- medicine ball
- set of ankle weights
- resistance bands
- swiss ball
- pull-up bar
- jump rope
- foam roller
the full body workout
Since time is precious, I want my workout to get my heart racing, sweat dripping, and muscles burning in under 30 min. Some of the exercises are linked to short videos, or if there’s an asterisks then i added a brief description below.
circuit 1 – go through this 3 times
- skip rope x 1 min
- 12 assisted pull-ups
- 15 banded triple-pulse squats (add medicine ball for weight)*
- 15 pike push ups
circuit 2 – go through 3 times
- 15 burpees
- 15 each leg – reverse lunge from a low step (add hand weights) *
- 15 lay down push-ups
- 15 each leg – banded straight leg extensions *
5 min burnout finisher – complete once
- 1 min bicep curls
- 1 min alternate side arm raise to front arm raise
- 1 min plank
- 1 min left side plank with 15 hip dips *
- 1 min right side plank with 15 hip dips *
* banded triple-pulse squats – place a band over thighs, just above knees. stand with feet hips distance. drop to a squat and pulse three times, then stand up. that’s one rep. add some weight to make it harder.
* reverse lunge from a low step – stand on the lowest step, facing the stairs. step back with one foot to a low lunge, then step back up. that’s one rep. add weights to make it harder.
* banded straight leg extension – place a band over your thighs, just above knees. hold onto chair or wall as you squeeze your glutes and extend one leg straight behind you. hold it for a second before dropping it back down.
* side plank with 15 hip dips – hold side plank for 15 seconds, do 15 hip dips by dropping hip to mat and then back up, then hold side plank for remainder of the minute.
pin it for later!

meal idea
This week I plan to make this whole 30 approved Korean BBQ dish. Doesn’t it look delightful??! I plan to make it over cauliflower rice and add broccoli.
pic cred: our salty kitchen
Find the full recipe over at Our Salty Kitchen.
And lets be friends on Pinterest so we can stalk each other for healthy recipe ideas! And for other wellness tips, check out this section of the blog.
Hope you enjoyed this weeks Wellness Wednesday home challenge, check back next week for a new one!
xo, rachel
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