Welcome to Rae For Real. I’m Rachel, the voice behind this writing, and this blog is the thought child of years of contemplation. Can you imagine how many more intriguing posts you would have to read if I only just listened to that little creative voice at the time? *sigh* my apologies.
Unfortunately at the time my hands were much too busy having their fingernails chewed down to the nubs from the stress of nursing school…my second career.
I decided to start this blog as a creative way to share style inspiration, travel tips, easy and efficient fitness tips, and ways to keep motivated for the busy career driven individual (like all you nurses and parents out there), despite the hustle in life.
But why should you hang around here to read what a nurse has to say about fashion, fitness, travel, or mental toughness? “They” say it takes only 7 seconds to form an impression of someone, but I’m hoping you can challenge that unofficial rule as you scroll through my little story.
My first career was officially called Medical Massage Therapist but after additional training I focused on sports therapy. Please don’t call it being a masseuse. The mental image that conjures is big hair, bad makeup, and little clothes in a shady massage parlor.
I was a therapist. And a stinkin’ good one!
I worked in a rehab area to help people heal from injuries. My claim to fame at work was having a man brought in on a wheelchair, transferred to my table, and walk out after an hour and a half.
I could do that cuz I know what you look like without your skin on.
So no, I’m not a licensed personal trainer. But after 15 years of coaxing muscles to do what they’re supposed to, I kinda get how the body works. Plus, I just love working out and have done a ton of research over many years. I’ve done triathlons, marathons, half marathons (one while 11 wks preggo), and 5k’s. I’m gonna share what I learned throughout all of that. It’s kinda like letting the nerdy kid in class do all the research and you score a winning result; because hopefully you wander away inspired, informed, and ready to mix things up a bit.
When it comes to the wonderful World of Fashion – well, it’s something I have loved experimenting with since my elementary years in the 80s/90s…
Like the time I thought my pump-up high-top kicks looked soooo much better with an extra fancy velcro-tie combo that I happily taught my cohorts and soon a large number of 4th graders we’re rocking this less-than flattering “trend”.
But we nailed it in the confidence department.
Or when my mom let me do my hair and outfit for picture day (thanks Mom!!). Fortunately or unfortunately that killer combo was overshadowed by my awkward toothy grin.
Fast forward to my adulthood, and I seriously contemplated fashion design/merchandising as a career. But, CT is not the booming fashion district I personally would like it to be, and moving to NYC was incredibly tempting but unrealistic. So instead I have pursued this passion on my own. On a personal level, I have been curating a collection of things that make me feel my best…hooked on some trends and savoring the classics for a modern-boho-eclectic-rocker vibe. Not that I like to categorize myself but for those curious, that’s as close as I can get.
Eventually I was able to share this passion with others. I have worked with clients to help them refresh their closets to create a gold-mine of outfits from what they already had, adding an occasional new piece. I have also styled clients for gala events and helped others pack a perfectly fine-tuned suitcase for traveling.
So, instead of fashion, I went the next logical route…
I’ve worked as a trauma nurse in the ER for most of my nursing career and really love that kind of nursing. There are some moments so raw, gritty and terrifying, and other times where you are left in awe of what a human body is capable of. There were times when you didn’t know who the hero was, the patient or medical team. Maybe it was both. If it wasn’t for HIPPA I’d be writing a blog on true stories from the ER. But trust me, the entire nursing school/career was one of the biggest lessons in mental toughness.
The other big lesson in mental toughness came while being married. No no no, not what your thinking. My husband is ahhhhmazzing (sorry gals he’s taken). But just like you, we’ve faced some crazy times and I learned so much from this guy on how to face challenges, and he – per his word – learned a lot from me. I guess that’s kinda parta why we make a good team.
Hoping to share some gems that have touched us throughout the years. My husband and I believe that the quickest way to be successful is individually learning from the collective, after all we are pack animals. Someone once called that ricochet lessons – basically you let someone else get blasted and then you learn the easy way from what they learned the hard way.
And now, for perhaps the most epic part by of my story…In May 2019 we got to introduce our sweet baby girl Shiloh to the world. She’s beautiful and amazing and so smart!!
Sorry Princeton she’s a bit too young still but we’ll keep it in mind, thanks.
So, that’s it folks. I mean I can feel your inner voice begging for more but I must save something for other posts.
Thanks for stopping by and please please please leave a comment to say hi!!