The change of season between summer and fall is so drastic (at least in Connecticut). The crisp days, colorful scenery and Pumpkin Spice EVERYthang (yes, I’m so here for it!) makes me feel so excited for the season and thoroughly enjoying it before winter comes. To fully take advantage of this season change, Matt and I feel it’s vital for us to hit the reset button after a busy and fun-filled summer. We’ve found taking deliberate steps to declutter, reset, and focus on some self-care leads to a much higher quality of life. It’s a way to stay focused on our goals – whether physical, intangible, or financial. After many years of doing this, we’ve nailed down the best ways to do this. Here are our best six life hacks that truly help us destress and better enjoy this beautiful time of year.

Best Life Hacks to Destress
Review your goals
Waiting for the new year to evaluate your current goals and set new ones could mean you are missing out on some opportunities to reach those goals. First of all, if you don’t have a goal, set one. If it’s a big goal, set smaller ones you need to reach that big goal.
For example, if you set a big goal to run a 5k then figure out the steps you need to reach that. What’s your goal date? How many times are you going to work out to build up your strength? By what date do you want to be able to run 1 mile straight through? What plan are you going to use to run that mile? The more specific you can get, the better! Having a goal is great but really it’s just words until you figure out your action plan, you feel me?
For the goals you have already, take a good hard look at them. Are they still realistic? Have you figured out your action plan? Examine your goals and then amend to reality.
The last thing I’ll say on this is to keep it simple. Remember, for every goal, there’s a whole to-do list that goes with it. Goals are meant to motivate and keep you focused. When you pick too many goals, or unrealistic ones, they suddenly become a source of stress. Simplify where possible.
Show your skin some love
I included this as a life hack destresser since the change of season will affect your skin too. If your skin is looking tired, get a facial. At the very least, look over your products and make sure it’s addressing your specific skin needs. We start changing over to more hydrating products and things to help repair skin damage from the summer. And of course, nothing perks up your skin like hydrating from the inside (H2O baby!!)
Some products I’m currently loving right now:
Examine your dollars
There are a few things to do here. First of all look at your budget. Assuming you have one, if not then the FIRST thing is to SET ONE! We love Mint. It’s so easy to use, free, and the app keeps you on top of things even on the go. You can have alerts sent to you too if, say, you start hitting up the PSL at Starbucks a little too frequently.
Another thing to do is identify everything you have on auto-pay. This includes your cable, Hulu, Netflix, magazines, apps, subscription boxes and gym memberships to name a few. Are you really using and LIKING everything? Or are you just dishing out money for it every month in case some day you decide to use it. If you’re not sure, just cancel it. You can always sign back up if you end up missing it, but chances are there’s a few things in there you can do without – or rather, already are doing without but are still paying for. Use it or lose it.
Clear out your space
I LOVE a good clean out. You have to focus on three things here: clothes, office and the junk drawer (we all have one, right?). Getting rid of bags of clothes and clutter sends me straight to my happy place. If you have a great item but never use it, pass it on so it gets the love it deserves in someone else’s closet.
When it comes to the office, we recently streamlined everything so that only a few important things make it to our desktop file holder and the rest get packed away in bins like these if it can’t be tossed or shreded
Clearing out clutter is one of the best destressing life hacks ever. It’s so refreshing to know that behind the scenes you’ve got it together…even if that only lasts a little while. When tackling these projects, definitely apply the productivity tips & tricks I talked about in this post a little while ago. Also, if you haven’t read it yet and are in need of some serious decluttering inspo, be sure to check out Marie Kondo’s book.
Plan something to look forward to
Again, now that the craziness of summer is over, we are ready to put something in the books to look forward to, both for the coming months and this season. It might seem obvious, but it can easily be overlooked. How many times have you said or overheard someone say “Autumn flew by, I never even got to enjoy the changing leaves.” So sad. Don’t be that person. Plan some time outside with family and friends. Create your fall bucket-list: outdoor fires, hikes…you get it.
Schedule in “me time”
“Me time” should not be considered a luxury but a necessity. You need this space to think and breath. It could just be sitting back and thinking – without your phone, computer, or other stimulation. Your daily routine may have changed so figure out your workout time. Maybe unwind with a bath loaded with Epsom salts for your muscles (&the best sleep ever!!). And READ! We tell our kids to read because it helps their brains and stimulates creativity. As adults we don’t suddenly lose the need to expand our perspective or get creative and think outside the box. If you struggle with reading, try audio books (speaking of best life hacks!). Total game-changer.

So there you have it friends, the best six life hacks to decrease stress. The key is to declutter and simplify life so you can enjoy what’s really important to you with the people you love the most. Theses things might seem basic but put them all together and you have just fast-tracked your way to the best fall ever.
Happy fall, y’all!
xx, rae
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