Have you ever noticed that when your norm gets shook up (hello, quarantine) that motivation is fleeting? Sure right now is a rare and unique circumstance, but if I’m being totally honest, even something fun like a vacation can kick you out of your groove and digging deep for motivation.
It’s easy to have the desire to do something…I desire to workout regularly, eat healthy, get 8 hours of sleep every night, and clear my to-do list daily…you get it.
But somehow when it comes down to that point of action, enthusiasm fades & distractions creep in.
So, when I saw this happening I needed to address it right away because the longer I stay in this kind of funk, the harder it is to get out of it. You feel me?
I have been trying to be way more in tune with my body and really listening to it. Here’s a few things that I feel like are worth sharing because maybe, just maybe I’m not the only one who feels this way.
Visualize Your Plan
This is something I use frequently because it’s so effective.
Fast forward your day and fully picture yourself if you were to follow through on your plan. Where would you be? How would you feel? What would the rest of your day look like then?
For example, if I had a goal to workout at 7 – by 1 hour I’d be done and feeling so accomplished. By 4 hours id be well into another task guilt free. And by the evening I could totally relax with my family, enjoy my glass of wine and a chill evening cooling without once again wondering if I should squeeze in a workout.
When you think of it that way, doesn’t it seem better? It’s really important to focus on the positive because that’s the kind of fuel your brain needs now.
As in mental framing. This honestly can be a blog post on it’s own.
Psychologists have broken mindset down to two patterns: fixed and growth. If you feel like you have repeatedly attempted to reach a goal and have yet to meet it, please remember this one.
A fixed mindset is essentially thinking that your abilities and achievements are “fixed”; if you don’t reach your goal it’s is because you are not capable of it. This is a very limiting belief and negative framing. A fixed mindset causes you to give up in the face of obstacles, see effort as pointless, and view setbacks as major failures.
Your goal is a growth mindset, and it is exactly what it sounds like.
You view failures as a learning opportunity, and a natural part of success because to excel, you first need to grow. This is not the belief that you can do anything or be anything, but rather your potential is not determined by the qualities you currently possess.
When it comes to finding motivation, understanding these two mindsets is important because if you feel you have always struggled with finding motivation or staying motivated, this is not a permanent part of your character, but rather part of finding your path.
You are not fixed, you can grow.
Put It Out There
I used to keep my goals so close to my chest. I had – and still struggle with – a fear of failing and feeling like a loser publicly. Now I realize, people want to see you succeed! Putting it out there means you’re allowing others to motivate you which is invaluable when the times get tough.
You are hedging your bet that this small act of vulnerability will pay off in the form of motivation when you need it most.
Now you have all these accountability partners. They can celebrate your successes and cheer you on when you’re dragging.
Search For Inspo
It could be a close friend or family member, maybe a Pinterest pic, or someone you follow on IG. You may relate to their situation and find motivation in the way they are doing things.
MAJOR NOTE about this one: there is a huuuuge difference between inspiration, imitation, & comparison. Inspiration is motivating – you can learn tips and tricks, and better visualize a clear plan. Plus, if you can learn from someone else’s trial and error, then you don’t have to waste your time making the same mistakes.
Imitation makes you lose your way.
Comparison steals your joy & confidence.
Inspiration fuels you.
+ check out the post “six life hacks to eliminate stress” here
+ productivity tips here
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