I have always been a HUGE fan of efficient workouts, and even more so with a baby. That nap time is like a suprise countdown timer that you never know when it’s going to go off! Besides, who really has the time or desire to spend hoooours working out? The idea that you need to put in mountains of time to get in shape is such a deterrent to starting a workout routine, so if you can relate to that at all TOSS IT OUT DA WINDOW!
I am not a personal trainer, but more of a fitness enthusiast with a background in sports therapy (see the full story here). Last week on IG I got an awesome response to my stories about what my 20 minute full-body workout was. Since baby girl was still sleeping, I added a 4 minute core/abs burnout at the end. Basically this is a compilation of some of my favorite exercises I have learned from personal trainers. Here’s where I’m supposed to say: I am not a personal trainer and please make sure you check with your doc if you decide to try anything new.
I did this workout ladder style,
starting with 10 reps of each exercise, then 9, 8, 7,….alllll the way to one rep of each exercise. BUT to increase the burn, when I got down to doing 3 reps of each exercise, I held them for 30 seconds each. Since I am not a PT, I’m sure my form isn’t 100% but the effort is there 🙂 Also sharing a way to modify a few exercises. All the equipment I used is compiled at the end for easier reference.
Burpees …the perfect way to elevate your heart rate.
* Modify: Increase intensity by adding a push-up in the burpee and/or tuck jump at then end. Decrease intensity by taking all jumping out of this.

* Modify: Increase intensity by making this plyo-style and adding a clap at the top of the press. Decrease intensity by working from knees.
Leg curls on swiss ball.
* Modify: Increase intensity by working one leg at a time.
p.s….WOW this targets those hammys/glutes/core all in one motion. I highly recommend getting a swiss ball if you don’t have one. Yes, it’s a pain to store (ours is usually hidden behind our caddy-cornered TV) but for the amount we use it, it’s so worth it.
I highly recommend getting a swiss ball if you don’t have one. Yes, it’s a pain to store (ours is usually hidden behind our caddy-cornered TV) but for the amount we use it, it’s so worth it.
If you don’t have one, here’s an option of how to modify the exercise: Flex feet so you are balanced on both heels. As you lift your hips, actively focus on working your hamstrings (back of thighs) and glutes.

Squat + press-ups with medicine ball…or baby, dog, encyclopedia (does anyone even have those anymore??), water jug, bag of sand…anything for some weight.

Reverse (or seated) rows.
I have a pull-up bar in a doorway so I do these by elevating my legs in front of me as I pull myself up to the bar in a row position. Another option: using a band. Here I’m using X-Heavy which, according to the packaging, is the equivalent of 30-40 lbs.
Ready for more???
4 minute core burnout:
30 second plank hold (on forearms or hands)

30 seconds of alternating hip-dips. (While in plank position, rotate to almost tap the side of each hip to the floor.)
30 second holding side plank left

30 seconds of left hip dips from side plank position
30 second holding side plank right
30 seconds of right hip dips from side plank position
30 second plank hold (on forearms or hands)
30 second dolphin plank. (From plank position, lift hips to inverted V, then return to straight plank position. Use core to make the motion. Targets deep ab muscles, lower back, and shoulders.)
So to recap:
Starting with 10 reps of each, then work down to 1 rep. The last 3 have a 30 second hold.
- Burpees
- Push-ups
- Leg curls on swiss ball
- Squat and press w/medicine ball
- Reverse or seated row.
Core Burnout
- 30 second plank hold (on forearms or hands)
- 30 seconds of alternating hip-dips. (While in plank position, rotate to almost tap the side of each hip to the floor.)
- 30 second holding side plank left
- 30 seconds of left hip dips from side plank position
- 30 second holding side plank right
- 30 seconds of right hip dips from side plank position
- 30 second plank hold (on forearms or hands)
- 30 second dolphin plank. (From plank position, lift hips to inverted V, then return to straight plank position. Use core to make the motion. Targets deep ab muscles, lower back, and shoulders.)
Mat / Medicine Ball (this 12 lb one is a great deal at under $25!!) / Exercise Bands / Pull-up bar / Swiss ball

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